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A great home business opportunity for handy people.

When things start to get a bit tough out there, many people start to look for other ways to survive like starting a new home based business to earn a few extra dollars.

Some people turn to the so called internet gurus who promise you that if you buy their expensive programs you can be making thousands of dollars a day online selling stuff. But what stuff do you sell, where do you get all this stuff from?

They say write an ebook or join affiliate programs and you get a big commission from the authors of these programs.  But they forget to tell you how to find all these people to sell to. Sure they say get a list of people to market too but how do you get a list of people? They have been online for years and have a big list of people, but do you want to wait years before you make a dollar?

Then there are the share market gurus who tell you how easy it is to make big money on the share market. All you have to do is buy their course, learn a little about the market and it is all easy from there. What they forget to tell you is you can lose your shirt very quickly and most new comers to the share market do. So instead of making those extra dollars you want, you end up losing all your savings and end up broke.

There is network marketing where you join a company and promote their products to all your friends and family members. You run around recruiting people to join with you only to find you make $10 while the guy on top makes all the money. Then you have to buy the book of the month and the tape of the week and before you know it you are losing money again.

The problem with all these things is you are not the master of your own destiny; you are at the mercy of other people. If the company goes broke or the stock market crashes then there goes all your hard work and sacrifices.

So what is the solution to making extra money even it good times or bad times? There is only one surefire way you can control everything and not be at the mercy of some other person and that is to have your own business. But not just any business you don’t want to be leasing shops or factories, or buying franchises, these cost you big dollars and if they don’t work you lose your shirt again.

No, what you need is a business where you can work at home in your garage or home workshop where it costs you nothing in rent. A home business where you can learn in your spare time before you go flat out in it and one where you don’t have to pay out big dollars. It should be a home business where you don’t even have to give up your day job and risk all your money. And more importantly the business that does not cost you an arm or leg to start with.

There are home businesses around that you can start just like the one described above, but you still have to be careful. If that business model does not have a step by step program in place where you can learn as you go then it is doubtful if you will make it work: you don’t want to be left out there to dry all by yourself once you have paid your money.

There are great home business opportunities out there that do not cost you everything you have in the bank, where the risks are low and it only costs you a few hundred dollars to start not thousands of dollars.

William Macdonald is a Master Class Upholsterer and founder of the Upholstery Training Academy. He has been doing upholstery for over 42 years. Now he is teaching people from all over the world on how to make money in upholstery. He is a public speaker and inspirational coach.        


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