Who Else Wants To:
Learn how to recover chairs
Learn how to recover stools
Learn how to recover sofas
Learn how to recover recliners
Learn how to recover cushions
Learn how to recover lounge suites
Learn how to save money or make some money?
Well! why not learn
How to do Upholstery Today?

Hi I am William MacDonald a Master Class Upholsterer and founder of the
Upholstery Training Academy Online
and I have been doing upholstery for over 42 years so I welcome
you to this Website.
Some people will tell you that doing
upholstery is hard, but it is not if you have the correct teaching aids.
I know plenty of people who have joined upholstery classes to
learn but it does not work out that way and they learn nothing. I know
because they come to me with a half finished job and get me to finish it
for them.
It is not the fault of the course
teacher, it is simply to many people in the class and he just can't help
everyone. I use to teach classes myself once for government run work
schemes so I know all about it.
So why not learn at home in your own
time and at your pace? You learn much better if there is no one
pressuring you to do something.
Check out the list below to see if
these DVDs will be good for you as a learning tool.
Are you good with your hands.
2) Want to be self-reliant? independent?
3) Like learning at your own pace
4) Love learning new skills
5) Want to surprise your friends that you have done things
6) Like being flexible and multi talented?
7) Want to learn skills you can take with you anywhere?
8) Want to learn at home and still be there for the kids.
10) What to be able to may be make some money with your new
If this is you then you will
certainly learn from the course.
But first read this email from someone who bought the DVDs.
Hi William.
I would like to begin by telling you how much I have enjoyed my
course. Every aspect of the course was above and beyond what I
expected. . . . I have always been handy with my hands but did
not want to go out at night to a collage. I have a young family
that needs me to be home. With your DVDs I was able to learn
when the kids were asleep, it worked out great.
Thanks again.
Virginia Wellmen WA. |
Learning to do Upholstery is fun and seeing how old ugly furniture
turns into a piece of
art and knowing you did it yourself is a great buzz.
The beauty is once you learn how to
re-upholster stools, chairs etc, you can go on to bigger jobs and really
save yourself some big $$$.
Imagine you have the skill to be able to change
the fabric on your furniture when ever you like, up date that chair your
sofa or even your lounge suite.
I know people who change their furniture to suit the colors of the day
because they can and it does not cost them much to do, only a bit of
One of the most important things is you are
working at home in your garage and you don't need heaps of room. Here is
my work bench it is nothing special.

It is only 2 saw horses and a chip board top that all folds away and
stacks in the corner when I am not using it, how easy is that?
Most people love nice things in their home no one
wants old battered up furniture, it is just down right embarrassing when
people come to your place.
Have you ever had to run around and throw a cover
over that old chair so people can't see how ugly it looks all dirty and
torn? Or throw a towel over the arm of your lounge because it has
a big hole in it, just because a friend is dropping by.
When you learn how to do upholstery you can fix it
up yourself. You can even just repair the arm of your sofa so it looks
good, like the rest of the suite. You don't have to replace all the
covering if you don't want to.
If you get a single arm repaired by a professional
it will cost you heaps of $$$$ because there is a lot of labor costs to
fix it,: most of the time it is just too expensive to do, so you leave
it looking all torn and dirty with a towel over it.
But if you can fix it yourself then it will always
look good and you will not be embarrassed when people call around.
Here is an email I got from a customer.
Hi William
Just a quick note to let you know how things when since I bought
your DVDs.
My wife was always complaining to me how grubby the chair I use
looks, She said the material on the arms is always dirty and it
is embarrassing for her when people come over. She is a very
tidy person and likes things to look good.
I took your advise
and used the material on the back of the settee to replace both
arms and the seat cushion. I used a cheap fabric that was the
same color to replace the back of the lounge as it is always up
against the wall.
I even had enough material to
make some arm covers. So when these get a bit grubby looking we
just wash them and my chair always looks nice and clean
Plus my wife has stopped nagging me
and that is a big bonus.
Thanks a lot.
Jon Stapleton MA. |
Now here is a great tip for you how to get a
change of furniture really cheap.
A lot of people throw away a great looking suite
or a nice chair because they get new furniture. Now the wooden frames of
these old sofas and chairs are most of the time in perfect condition,
even the foam rubber can still be good sometimes.
What you can do when it is a clean up day in your
suburb, is to have a drive around and see what has been thrown out. If
you see a great looking chair or sofa get it. Then you can take it home
pull off all the old covers etc, give it a good clean, spray it with
surface spray if you are worried about bugs, and you have a great frame
to work on. It will have all the springs and everything still in it, no
extra stuff to buy.
Since you know how to do upholstery you end up
with a great new lounge or chair for a few $$ instead of hundreds of
$$$$. Heck! you could even sell it for a profit if you wanted too?
Do you see the advantage of learning how to do
upholstery? You will never be without great furniture, everyone will
think you are buying new stuff all the time, if you don't tell them they
would never know.
Here is what another customer who bought my DVDs
Hi William
I just want to tell you what happened to me and I am really
I was driving past one of those second hand furniture places and
I saw this fantastic old chair there. I stopped to have a look
and when I got close it was really beaten up. Springs in the
seat was all sagged and the cover was all tattered and really
grubby it looked like a dog was sleeping on it.
So I asked the guy how much he wanted for it and he said make an
offer, so I said $10 and he said OK.
I took it home and when I pulled it apart I found $11 in old
coins in it.
I fixed it all up after watching your video and it came up
fantastic. All up it cost me about $50 to fix.
Then an old friend dropped by and spotted the chair and offered
me $200 for it.
I didn't sell it as I really liked the chair, but I could have
made a great profit for a few hours work if I had wanted to. I
am still amazed.
Terry Herman SA. |
What Terry did is not unusual I
have done the same thing myself. I had a customer turn up with this
old suite in his truck and when he found out how much it would cost
to fix he just gave it to me. It turned out to be over a hundred
years old and worth a fortune. Once you know how to do upholstery
you have a big advantage.
Look! It does not matter how scrappy a piece of
furniture looks, once you know how to fix it you are well ahead of most
But and there is a But. If you start out trying to
do big jobs first then it will be really hard for you, so I suggest you
start small like your own stools or small chairs.
This is normally the problem with people who go to
an upholstery course. They take along an antique chair or a box pleat
chair, diamond buttoning etc when they first start out an d
expect to do it in a 4 week class. It doesn't normally work out because
their skill levels are not good. So they end up bring it to me to
This is why I have lots of different DVDs so you
can start small and end up big. If you are at all handy then you will
learn really quickly from the DVDs as they teach you everything you need
to know.
The DVDs are all made while I was doing actual
jobs, none of it is staged. You see everything all the problems you can
encounter and how
to fix problems as you go.
I explain exactly what to do and how to get
materials, foam and fabrics cheap. I tell you how much I am making for
each job so you can see how much you are saving by doing it yourself. Or
you know what to charge if you want to do upholstery later to make
It is all on the DVDs it covers one job from start
to finish. The DVDs don't cover half a dozen things at once like other
DVDs I have seen. Just seeing a little of this or a little of
that in a staged video will do you no good and teach
you nothing. You need to see from start to finish so you know what to
So what will you learn
from on the DVDs.
How to get material cheap
How to estimate fabric for jobs
How to cut fabric economically
How to make
patterns and templates
How to workout a cutting plan.
How to strip out a job
How to do repairs to springs
How to glue foam together.
How to Dacron rap old cushions to puff them up
How to repack seats and cushions.
How to fill seat cushions using new foam and old
How to fill back
How to sew with an industrial
sewing machine.
How to sew up slip cushion covers.
How to sew new zippers on.
How to sew arms, backs and seat covers.
How to make covered buttons.
How to button backs of chairs and settees.
How to use suspension webbing
How to use back tacking strip
How to use plygrip back tacking
(sharks tooth)
How to unscrew and unbolt furniture
How to recover your own
furniture cheaper without compromising quality.
Plus lots more
I start at the beginning on small jobs that you
can handle. Stools, Dining room
chairs, Chair seats, Cushions, easy things that you can
practice on and get the hang of doing.
This just makes so much sense, a young person starting an apprenticeship does
not get a complicated job to do on his first day on the job, and you
don't want that either.
You have to become proficient and get a feel for
doing upholstery, then you can move on to better jobs. This is what I
teach you in a step by step way, start small end up big: simple!
You know, upholstery is not that hard to do
once you learn the basics. It is actually quite repetitive because you
just do the basics over and over again, all that changes is the
furniture you are working on.
Because all our DVDs are on real jobs, not
staged jobs just for the video, we show you trade secrets that only upholsters
Plus a couple of things even some upholsterers
don't know.
Here is another email I received.
Greetings William
I just want to say you were absolutely correct when you said
learn the basics first. I started out doing a small stool. It is
quite a funny story really. I bought your DVDs and my husband
was more than skeptical and told me I was wasting my time and
Well I did what you said and practiced on an old stool top I was
going to throw out. It ended up looking OK after a couple of
attempts. I did not tell my husband about it.
Then when he went to work I recovered his bar stools that were
looking a bit tired. Well! you should have seen the look on his
face when he came home: he was amazed.
He thought I must have taken them to an upholsterer to be done
and didn't believe me at first until I showed him the old covers
and scraps I had left over.
Getting your DVDs was worth it just
for the look on his face, it was precious. Now we are doing our
sofa and he is even helping. WOW.
Joan Templeton FL.
I have been asked what kinds
of people are buying my DVDs?
This is a bit difficult to answer because we get
just about all kinds of people, from older to younger. I have had
executives buy the program as a hobby to de-stress
I have had recently retired people who what to
continue doing things, after all there is just so much time you can
spend on the golf course.
I have had young people who wanted to learn
something new.
I have had ladies who want to do their own
furniture and have a bit of a hobby.
I have had people who want to start a business but
did not have the capital to start one, and you don't need
a wheelbarrow full of money to start an Upholstery business.
I have even had a doctor (MD) who just wanted to
do something with his hands.
Here is an email I received from a customer who
started making money out of it.
HI William
I just want to tell you that I really am loving my retirement
now. I was retired for 6 months but I became so bored, just so
much you can do in the garden.
When all the prices of things started to go up, fuel, food and
just the general living costs I started to worry about how I was
going to live for another 20 years.
I bought your DVDs and took your advice and started to find
old chairs at the dump, do them up and sell them at the flea
markets and just around town.
Now I am making $300 a week sometimes and really enjoying
myself. I am 67 now and life is a blast.
Thanks again for all your help.
Brian Mcmann UK. |
Doesn't This Make Good Sense?
Doesn't it make good sense to study at home at your own pace?
Doesn't it make good sense to spend as little as you have to
on training?
Doesn't it make good sense to learn from someone who's been
in the Upholstery Field for over 40 years and has personally
developed these training programs and tools from a point of vast
experience to help you get started on the right track.
Here are the options for you to get started
The how to Do Upholstery Repairs Package.
How to repair and
re-glue rickety wooden dining room chairs.

How to
touch up polish on dining room chairs
How to do
repairs to cushion covers and save money.
Plus how
to make a cushion for a piano stool.
These DVDs are
over 2.5 hr long and shows you everything
you need to fix up your own furniture. These
are $35 each normally a value of $95 but
you get a special deal,
Most people just try and fix there rickety
old chair by hammering in some nails. This
just damages the chair and does not fix the
problem. These DVDs will show you the
correct way to fix your chairs, just like a
professional would do. Plus show you how to
touch up the polish at the same time, so
they look like new.
All for only $47.79
Simply Click on Button
to Order. |
Package Two
How to Recover Stools Package.
This DVD is over 2
hr long and shows you everything you need to
recover your own
stools. Both round and square styles. We
show you how to cut new foam for the stools.
Also how you can rejuvenate old foam.

Not only that but you get a bonus how
to do it step by step manual with its own
Plus a DVD that shows you what tools you
need for upholstery
Valued at
$79.95 FREE as a special gift.
you get 3 DVDs sent to you and the manual by
This pack
is a great place to start to learn
upholstery as it covers the basics and you
are not doing to hard a project to start out
with. You will find once you learn from
these DVDs you will find bigger jobs much
easier to do.
All for $47.75.
Simply Click on Button
to Order. |
The Cushion Package.
You will
learn everything you ever need to know about
recovering, redesigning, Sewing cushions and
even making nice comfy cushion seats for you
You get:
How to recover and redesign 5 lounge
cushions. Including how to Dacron cushions,
How to refill foam into cushions, properly
without damaging the zip.
How to
sew different kinds of zippered cushions DVD.
How to
rebuild Futon mattress, make new skirts for
base, refill a mattress into a new cushion
case DVD.
How to
turn an old foam mattress into 3 comfy
cushions for your pet DVD.
How to
measure, cut and sew vinyl and fill
cushions DVD.
This is
the complete package with over 4 hours of
step by step easy to follow DVDs
Plus as a
bonus we give you the full length DVD on how
to make arm covers for your lounge.
Plus a DVD that shows you what tools you need for upholstery.
This all adds up to over $150 but you get it
All for only
Simply Click on Button
to Order.
This is the Recover Dining Room Chair
We show
you how to recover 3 different kinds of
dining room chairs. So once you have watched
these DVDs you will be able to easily
recover any dining room chair you come across.
This is over 3 hrs of full instruction, step
by step how to.
learn to do from easy to more difficult chairs
like the chair here.
From this
To this.
Not only
that but we give you absolutely FREE. 2 DVDs
on how to recover vinyl chair seats.
Value $49.95 free
And how
to make a brand new seat for piano stool,
Value $29.50 free
Plus a DVD that shows you what tools you
need for upholstery .
A DVD on
making Arm covers for chairs and lounges.
Over $150 FREE.
All it
costs for these DVDs is only
Simply Click on Button
to Order. |
How to recover a
Lounge Suite 2x2x2.
We show you how to
recover a lounge suite in easy to follow steps.
This is 10 hours of video that shows you
everything you need to know.
Once you have watched the DVD and follow the
easy to steps you will be able
to easily recover any suite you come across.
We show
Making templates
Cutting plan
Cutting material
Sewing fabric
Making Buttons
Cutting new foam cushions
Filling cushions
Re Webbing Seats
and much more.

Remember all our DVDs are actual Jobs,
nothing is staged.
You see everything nothing is hidden, there
is even rubbish on the workshop floor
like in a real upholstery shops, these
videos are real in actual time. Not fake
contrived ones.
We even tell you how much we make from each
job so you can see what you save by doing
the work yourself. Or what to charge people.
No other upholstery
videos are this detailed.
you get packages 1-2-3 Absolutely
free. Delivered on a
USB drive. Just plug into your computer and
you have all the videos.
If you bought packages 1-2-3 it would cost
you$163 plus postage of over $30. So you are
getting all them for FREE.
You also
get the tools DVD
How to
make arm covers DVD all on the USB drive.
Plus you get a sheet that shows you how much
fabric you need for all different kinds of
chairs, sofas, lounge suites. This is
invaluable takes out all the guess work out
of estimating fabric, and
saves you money $$$.
This is
nearly $300 extra for FREE.
Simply Click on Button
to Order.
We also give you a guarantee for
12 months, if you use our program, study it, do all the things we
say and if you have not saved your money back you paid for the program then send it back for a refund. Just show us proof that you
did genuinely try and we will happily give you all your money back. We
could not be fairer.
You are also getting
over 40 years of my experience. I have taught upholstery in adult
workshops and even for a government scheme to help the unemployed. I
have personally trained 12 apprentices, now
you can get all that experience for less than joining an upholstery
PPS:If you are serious
about learning new skills then now is the time to
act. The price of the packages will be changing soon, so don't miss out
at these cheap prices. There is a limit on the program as it is
today of
25 sets and will change soon.
Upholstery For Fun and Profit.
Training Academy.
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